Chickens Boiled with Lemon and Currants

To boil mutton and chickens.

Take your mutton and Chyckens and sette uppon the fire with faire water and when it is well skummed, take two hand full Cabbage, Lettice, a handfull of currants a good peece of butter, the iuyce of ii. or three Lemmons, a good deale of grosse Pepper and a good peece of Sugar, and let them seethe all well together, then take three or foure yolkes of egges together hard rosted and straine them with parte of your broth, let them seethe a quantitye of an houre, Serve your broth with meate uppon Sippets.

Source: Thomas Dawson, The Good Huswifes Jewell, 1596. 

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